LMOOC research 2014 to 2021: What have we done and where are we going next?
Published in ReCALL, 2023
Education field: We implemented Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic modeling method to analyze the trends of LMOOC research from 2014 to 2021.
Recommended citation: Zhang, Y., & Sun, R. (2023). LMOOC research 2014 to 2021: What have we done and where are we going next?. ReCALL, 1-16. https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/4843E616C31DBE1745B4184E1B56A065/S0958344022000246a.pdf/div-class-title-lmooc-research-2014-to-2021-what-have-we-done-and-where-are-we-going-next-div.pdf